
System Programming Question Bank

Short Question

1 A __________ is a language processor which bridges an execution gap but is not a language translator
2 Justify (True/False): A language migrator provides portability of program.
3 Difference between Procedure oriented language and Problem oriented language.
4 Describe the output of Lexical analysis.
5 Differences between Literal and Constant.
6 What is the use of backpatching?
7 Which of system software always reside in main memory? What kind of input this system software takes?
8 Give names of data structures used in compiler

Define Following terms:
1. System Software 2. Semantic Gap 3. Specification Gap 4. Execution Gap 5. Language migrator 6. Language translator 7. Preprocessor 8. Cross reference

Short Notes on –
  1. Lifecycle of source program 
  2. General machine structure 
  3. Levels of system software 
  4. Explain lexical analysis of language processor. 
  5. What are the Advanced Assembler Directives? Explain any two with example. 
  6. List various phases of Language Processor. Explain any one phase in detail. 
  7. Language processor activities 
  8. Search and allocation data structure of language processor 
  9. Differentiate one pass and two pass assembler. Explain how forward references are handled in two pass assembler 
  10. Define forward references. How it can be solved using back-patching? Explain with example 
  11. Explain functioning of interpreter. 
  12. Explain JVM with JRE 
  13. Explain Dynamic Debugger 
  14. Compilers Causes of Large Semantic Gap 
  15. Memory Allocation methods compiler 
  16. Explain design of an editor 
  17. What is pure and impure interpreter? 
  18. What is interpreter? Explain benefits of interpreter. Compare interpreter and compiler.
  19. Explain in detail how the following input gets processed in toy compiler. 
          int a;
          real b,c;
          c = a + b * 0.6;